Krawm the kriture

Name: Krawm
What I do: Wait to be fed
Task: Say whatever comes to my mind, because some of my thoughts are really good
Likes: To think
Body: Warm, shiny blue bug head, with a big brain
Ability: Say too much random stuff
Food: Omnivore

Krawm is a Kriture who likes to use his brain, it doesn't mean that he has good ideas, but he can talk for many many hours, and most of the time, nobody listen. He talks so much that sometimes he says something intelligent, and some of those ideas are adopted to create things. He can be considered the first Kriture scientist.
His head is too heavy for him to walk, so he usually sits down, and some Kriture needs to bring him food.

3 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Antes de mais parabe´ns por todo o teu trabalho! Está com uma qualidade fantástica!
POdes-me dizer em que material fazes estes bonequinhos?
Eu já fiz alguns deste género, mas em barro, por isso o resultado não foi grande coisa...

Melhores cumprimentos
Pedro Caldas

Kriture said...

Bom dia :)
Uso sculpey, o barro parte todo. Grande desgosto que já me deu quando era mais nova ;D

Obrigado :)

Anonymous said...

:) muito obrigado, e mais uma vez Parabéns pelo trabalho.

Pedro Caldas

©2009 Kriture | by Márcia Gaudêncio